パール / pearl

Vocalist • Sea Goddess ENVTuber • NB
Icon by: @darklephise


Hi everyone, I'm pearl! Your lovely sea goddess who wants the best for you! ⚪✨

I enjoy playing story/plot-driven games, indie and 8-bit games, and games with beautiful music. But I also enjoy just hanging out too!

Model: euphie
Rigging: hodusae

‣ Coffee, tea, hot chocolate
‣ Minimalist fashion/style
‣ Beauty & skincare
‣ I love plants, and aspire to have a jungle home
‣ I love to sing! Please make sure to check out my YT channel!

I'm also a tarot card reader as well. For tarot card reading commissions, please visit my carrd to find out more!

People say that I have a soothing voice, so grab a warm drink, and I hope you stay awhile! ☕

Remember that you are beautiful, and dearly loved.


Commission Status: OPEN
(I read using The Fountain Tarot)

Thank you for your interest in my tarot commissions!
My current pricing is:
• 3-card reading - 3 ko-fi ($9)
• 5-card reading - 5 ko-fi ($15)

When paying, please include "x-card tarot" in your message. Once you have paid, via ko-fi, please DM me and let me know! If you would like to pay with an alternative method, please let me know.
Please come prepared with a situation or question you would like guidance on (providing context is up to you). If you would like a "general reading" instead, I'm open to that as well!
With each commission, you will receive a photo of the card spread, along with a written explanation (voice recorded readings may come soon)!

Physical Traits
• Medium-length, blue hair, with cloud/wave-like accents on the bottom
• A pearl underneath each eye, with earrings as shown in the headshots
• Gray eyes are preferred, and slightly strong eyebrows are welcome
• Floor length kimono/yukata, commonly a floral pattern
• Usually wears a dark top and dark pants, with shoes as traditional geta (下駄)

Personality Traits
• He’s very feminine and wears both men’s & women’s clothing
• Although gentle & empathetic in nature, he’s strong-willed when he needs to be
• He’ll often sit and sing to the stars, or look out onto the ocean in his free time
• People will often ask him to sing them to sleep

Art Credits


For any inquiries, you can reach me on my social media handles, or through the email address below!

[email protected]